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Copyright-free music: Guidelines for use on YouTube

Copyright-free music: Guidelines for use on YouTube

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  • Post published:06.06.2023
  • Post category:Blog
  • Post comments:1 Comment
  • Reading time:23 mins read
  • Post last modified:03.07.2023

Do you want to use music in your YouTube videos but are worried about copyright infringement? In this article, we’ll explore the important topic of copyright-free music and its use on the YouTube platform. You’ll learn what copyright-free music is, where you can find free music, and how to properly use it while complying with YouTube’s rules. We’ll also share practical tips to help you create unique content and avoid legal problems. Use copyright-free music and give your videos a unique feel without breaking YouTube’s laws and policies.


    I. Introduction

    Uncopyrighted music on YouTube: the importance and potential uses

    Music is an integral part of video content on YouTube, but copyright infringement can have serious consequences. In such a situation, copyright-free music becomes a valuable resource for creating content that complies with the platform’s requirements and avoids copyright infringement.

    A. The value of copyright-free music on YouTube

    Copyright-free music gives you the ability to create videos without infringing the copyright of the music. It allows you to freely use music in your videos, giving you more flexibility in your creative process and helping you avoid copyright issues.

    B. Non-Copyrighted Music Possibilities

    Using copyright-free music on YouTube offers the following benefits:

    1. Creating original content: You can select and combine music tracks to create a unique atmosphere in your videos.
    2. Copyright protection: Using non-copyrighted music helps you avoid possible legal problems and reduces the risk of being sued by copyright holders.
    3. Expand your audience: Copyright-free music makes your videos available for viewing in different countries where copyright restrictions may exist.

    With copyright-free music, you can create original content, attract an audience and avoid legal issues related to copyright infringement. In the following sections, we’ll look at what copyright-free music is and how to use it on YouTube.

    II. What is copyright-free music?

    A. Definition and main characteristics

    Non-copyrighted music (or free music) is music that is not protected by copyright or licensing restrictions. It is available for free use and distribution without the need to obtain permission from the creator or the releasing company. The main characteristics of copyright-free music include:

    1. Public domain: Some pieces of music may fall into the public domain after a certain period of time (usually after the author’s death). These works then become available for free use.
    2. Creative Commons: Creative Commons (CC) is a licensing system that allows creators to control the terms of use of their works. Some music creators choose Creative Commons licences, which allow free use under certain conditions (e.g. attribution of authorship).

    B. Differences between non-copyrighted music and open-licensed music

    While copyright-free music and open-licensed music may seem similar, there are some differences that are important to consider:

    • Terms of use: Copyright-free music can be used freely without any restrictions. However, open-licensed music may have certain conditions that authors are required to respect, such as naming the author or prohibiting commercial use.
    • Free licence: Music with an open licence grants specific rights and permissions defined by the author. Whereas non-copyrighted music usually does not require permission from the author.

    It is important to keep these differences in mind when choosing music for use on YouTube to be sure that you are in compliance with the copyright and terms of use of the music. In the following sections, we will look at how and where you can find non-copyrighted music for use on YouTube.

    III. Searching for non-copyrighted music

    A. Platforms and resources for finding free music

    When it comes to finding non-copyrighted music, there are several platforms and resources that offer a wide selection of free music. Here are some of them:

    1. YouTube Audio Library: The official library of sounds and music provided by the YouTube platform itself. Here you can find a large selection of music tracks available for use on YouTube without copyright restrictions.
    2. Creative Commons: A popular organization offering various Creative Commons licenses for music. You can use search tools such as Creative Commons Search ( to find music with different Creative Commons licenses that suit your needs.
    3. Free Music Archives: There are specialised websites and archives offering free music for use in video content. Some of these include Free Music Archive ( and Jamendo (

    B. Basic criteria for selecting music

    When selecting non-copyrighted music for use on YouTube, it is important to consider the following criteria

    1. License: Check the license terms of the music track to make sure it is indeed licensed for free use and meets your needs.
    2. Genre and mood: Choose music that fits the genre and mood of your video. Find tracks that help emphasize emotion and create the right atmosphere.
    3. Sound quality: Make sure that the music you choose has good sound quality. This is important to create a professional and enjoyable sound experience for your viewers.
    4. Attribution: Some tracks may require attribution in the video description or in the video itself. Make sure you understand the licensing requirements and are prepared to provide the necessary attribution, if any.
    5. Popularity and rating: Research the popularity and rating of music tracks to select ones that have a good reputation with other content creators.

    Remember that each resource and platform may have its own characteristics and limitations. It is important to carefully review each track’s terms of use and requirements to ensure compliance with copyright and YouTube platform policies.

    In the next section, we’ll look at how to properly use non-copyrighted music on YouTube to avoid potential problems and copyright infringements.

    IV. Rules for the use of non-copyrighted music on YouTube

    A. Platform restrictions and guidelines

    YouTube has its own restrictions and guidelines regarding the use of non-copyrighted music. Here are some important points to consider:

    1. Content usage policy: Read YouTube’s content usage policy to understand what types of music can be used without violating the platform’s rules.
    2. Restrictions on use: Some non-copyrighted music tracks may only be available for non-commercial use or require attribution in the video description. Make sure you comply with these restrictions.
    3. Content ID system: YouTube uses Content ID to automatically detect copyrighted content. It is possible that some non-copyrighted music tracks may be incorrectly detected by the system. If you have a problem with the content, contact YouTube support to resolve the issue.

    B. Attribution and attribution of music

    When using non-copyrighted music on YouTube, it’s important to properly indicate authorship and attribution. Here are some guidelines:

    • Provide attribution information: In the video description, provide the name of the author of the music and the title of the song if required by the license.
    • Add a link to the source: If possible, add a link to the source where you found the music. This will help support the author and allow viewers to learn more about the origin of the track.
    • Follow the license guidelines: If the music has specific attribution requirements, make sure that you follow these requirements as instructed by the author.

    Following the rules for using non-copyrighted music on YouTube is important to prevent possible copyright infringement and to create ethical content. Be aware of the platform’s restrictions and properly cite authorship to be in compliance with YouTube’s policies and maintain your reputation as a content creator. In the next section, we’ll look at some additional tips and advice for successfully using non-copyrighted music on YouTube.

    V. The process of uploading and using non-copyrighted music on YouTube

    A. Uploading music content to your channel

    1. Check your terms of use: Make sure your chosen copyright-free music track complies with YouTube’s policies and requirements.
    2. Upload the track to your channel: Upload the selected track to your YouTube channel by following the guidelines and procedures for uploading content.
    3. Enter creator and license information: Enter creator and license information for the music in the appropriate fields when uploading the video.

    B. Applying music in video clips

    1. Edit your video: Use the video editor to add music to your video. Make sure the music you choose is appropriate to the mood and content of the video.
    2. Synchronize audio and video: Pay attention to the synchronization of the sound track with the video to create a harmonious and professional sound experience for viewers.
    3. Check the volume: Make sure that the volume of the music is set correctly so that it does not overlap speech or other sounds in the video.

    C. Procedures for challenging copyright use of music

    1. Content ID and possible challenges: YouTube uses a Content ID system to automatically detect copyrighted content. If you are using non-copyrighted music but your video has been flagged as infringing, you can challenge this decision.
    2. Provide license information: If your use of non-copyrighted music is legal under the terms of the license, provide the necessary evidence, such as a link to the source or license information, to challenge the copyright notice.
    3. Contact YouTube Support: If you’re having trouble or have questions about challenging the copyright of your music, contact YouTube Support for more help and resolution. They will be able to provide you with detailed instructions and guidance on YouTube’s copyright challenge procedures.

    It’s important to remember that the copyright challenge process can take time, so be patient and provide all necessary evidence and information to prove that your use of non-copyrighted music is legitimate.

    In the next section, we discuss some additional tips and advice for successfully using non-copyrighted music on YouTube.

    VI. Practical tips for successful use of non-copyrighted music on YouTube

    A. Matching music to genre of content

    1. Choose music that matches the genre and mood of your content. This will help create harmony between the video and the audio, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
    2. Use different genres of music to highlight different moments and emotions in your content. This can help keep viewers’ attention and make your videos more interesting.

    B. License check and legal protection

    1. Carefully review the license terms of each music track you intend to use. Make sure the terms and conditions are appropriate for your needs and allow you to use the music on YouTube without infringing the copyright.
    2. Keep a record of the licences and use of the music. This will help you prove the legality of your use in case of disputes or problems.

    C. Create a unique atmosphere with free music

    1. Use free music to create a unique atmosphere and style for your content. With a wide range of copyright-free tracks you can find music that’s perfect to complement and enhance your message and concept.
    2. Experiment with different music tracks and mix them to create your own unique sound signature. This will help your content stand out from other videos and create a more memorable experience for viewers.

    By following these practical tips, you can successfully use copyright-free music on YouTube, creating quality content and respecting copyrights. Remember to be attentive to license requirements, keep track of changes in the platform’s policies, and strive to create unique atmospheres in your videos using free, copyright-free music. However, remember that YouTube’s rules and policies are subject to change, so check back regularly for up-to-date requirements and updates.

    In the next section, we’ll provide an overview of some useful tools and resources for finding non-copyrighted music that you can use for your content on YouTube.

    VII. Overview of popular free uncopyrighted music services

    A. YouTube Audio Library:

    YouTube Audio Library offers a rich collection of free, copyright-free music that you can use in your YouTube videos. The service provides a wide range of genres, moods and instruments so that you can find the right track for your content.

    B. SoundCloud:

    SoundCloud offers a huge library of free music created and made available by a variety of musicians from around the world. Here you’ll find non-copyrighted tracks as well as tracks with open licenses that you can use in your videos.

    C. Free Music Archive:

    Free Music Archive is an online free music archive offering a variety of genres and styles. Here you will find non-copyrighted music that you can use in your projects, including YouTube videos. Remember that each track may have its own terms of use, so check the licence of each track carefully.

    D. Jamendo:

    Jamendo offers an extensive collection of free music that can be used in commercial projects, including YouTube videos. The service offers a variety of genres and moods, and allows you to filter music by licence type to find copyright-free tracks.

    E. Epidemic Sound:

    Epidemic Sound is a paid service that provides access to a wide range of copyright-free music. It offers professionally produced tracks specifically designed for use in videos, including YouTube. For a monthly fee you get unlimited access to a library of copyright-free tracks.

    Each of these services offers unique features and collections of copyright-free music. Consider your needs, budget and music licensing requirements when choosing the right service. Remember that even when using copyright-free music, you should read the terms of use for each track and adhere to the stated rules. Also remember the importance of attribution and attribution when using non-copyrighted music on YouTube.

    In the next section, we’ll look at some useful tips for promoting your content on YouTube using non-copyrighted music.

    VIII. Useful tips for promoting content on YouTube using non-copyrighted music

    A. Create attractive covers and previews:

    Covers and previews are the first thing viewers see when they come across your content. Make sure they are attractive and informative to grab viewers’ attention and generate interest in your videos.

    B. Optimise the titles and descriptions of your videos:

    Use keywords that reflect your video content in titles and descriptions to help search engines properly categorise and index your content. This will help increase its visibility and attract more viewers.

    C. Promote your content on social media:

    Actively share links to your videos on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. This will help to attract new audiences and increase the number of views and subscribers to your channel.

    D. Collaborate with other YouTube channels:

    Look for opportunities to collaborate with other YouTube channels that have similar themes or audiences. This could include guest appearances, sharing links or creating joint projects. Such collaborations can help to promote each other and attract new viewers.

    E. Engage with your audience:

    Be active in the comments below your videos. Respond to questions, express gratitude for feedback and interact with your audience. This will help build loyalty and strengthen relationships with your viewers.

    F. Regularity of publication:

    Strive to release new content on a regular basis. Establish a publishing schedule so your viewers know when to expect new videos from you. Regular publishing will help keep your audience engaged and attract new viewers.

    Internet marketing. Promoting your content on YouTube using non-copyrighted music also requires active engagement and constant work to develop your channel.

    In the following section, we summarize and provide important insights regarding the use of non-copyrighted music on YouTube.


    A. Summing up and main conclusions:

    In this article, we have reviewed the importance and possibilities of using copyright-free music on YouTube. Copyright-free music provides a unique opportunity to use music tracks in your videos without violating copyrights. It allows you to enrich your content, create a mood and emotional atmosphere, attract viewers’ attention and make your videos more appealing.

    The main conclusions are:

    1. Copyright-free music provides the opportunity to use a wide range of music tracks to create content on YouTube.
    2. Proper selection and attribution of copyright-free music are important aspects that help avoid copyright infringement and problems on the platform.
    3. The use of copyright-free music helps to create a unique atmosphere in videos, improve the visual experience and attract more viewers.

    B. Opportunities to expand the channel with the use of copyright-free music:

    Using copyright-free music on YouTube provides a number of opportunities to expand your channel:

    1. Creating attractive and diverse content through a variety of genres and styles of music.
    2. Attracting new audiences and increasing the number of subscribers through the unique atmosphere and sound design of your videos.
    3. Opportunities to collaborate with other music creators and artists, increasing the visibility of your channel and attracting new viewers.

    However, in order to use copyright-free music successfully, you need to follow the YouTube platform’s rules and guidelines, carefully select and attribute music tracks, and maintain a proactive approach to developing and promoting your channel.

    Ultimately, using uncopyrighted music on YouTube opens up new possibilities for creating compelling content and engaging audiences. Adhering to the platform’s rules and guidelines, as well as implementing proper music selection and attribution, are key factors for the successful use of this type of music.

    In addition, expanding the channel with non-copyrighted music can be complemented by the following features:

    1. Creating your own unique vibe and style that will help differentiate your content from the competition.
    2. Engaging with your audience and capturing their attention through the use of popular non-copyrighted tracks.
    3. The ability to use music without restrictions and license fees, which will help reduce the cost of producing content and scale it up.

    However, it is important to keep in mind that the rules and guidelines for the use of copyright-free music are subject to change over time. It is important to keep track of updates and changes in the policies of the YouTube platform so that you are aware of the latest requirements and restrictions.

    Overall, using non-copyrighted music on YouTube is an attractive opportunity to create unique content and expand your channel. Following the rules and guidelines, choosing your music tracks carefully and engaging with your audience will help you succeed and attract a larger audience on YouTube.

    This Post Has One Comment

    1. Lavinia Jane Orellana

      The article was very helpful, thank you. It is better to do everything according to the algorithms from start and avoid issues in future.

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